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File Created: 20-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  20-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name GREER, GREER 1-8, KLUSKUS 1-2 Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093F089
Status Showing NTS Map 093F16W
Latitude 053º 49' 30'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 18' 53'' Northing 5964853
Easting 413462
Commodities Uranium Deposit Types D04 : Basal U
D06 : Volcanic-hosted U
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Greer occurrence is located northeast of Greer Creek and approximately 12 kilometres southwest of Nulki Lake.

The area occurs is within the Intermontane Belt, underlain dominantly by Lower to Middle Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group. These assemblages are overlain by felsic and andesitic volcanic rocks of the Eocene to Oligocene Ootsa Lake Formation (Nechako Plateau Group) and basalt volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks of the Miocene Chilcotin Group. Intruding Lower Jurassic rocks of the Hazelton Group in the northeastern part of the map sheet is a belt of granodiorite, diorite and quartz diorite plutons of the Lower Jurassic Topley Intrusive Suite. Felsic plutons, probably Cretaceous, intrude both Lower and Middle Jurassic Hazelton strata.

Locally, elevated uranium levels have been identified by drilling.

Work History

In 1977, Shell Canada Resources Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping, silt sampling and four diamond drill holes, totalling 509.0 metres, on the area as the Greer 1-8 and Kluskus 1-2 claims. Drilling intercepts included 0.074 per cent uranium at a depth of 101.6 metres of vesicular basalts with claystone and coal interlayers in hole Endako-4, 0.021 and 0.017 per cent uranium at depths of 137.5 and 138.8 metres of pebble to boulder conglomerate in hole Endako-3 and 0.016 per cent uranium over 0.1 metre of silty argillite in hole Endako-2 (Assessment Report 6685).

In 1978, Shell Canada Resources Ltd. completed a program of geochemical (water and stream sediment) sampling, gamma ray spectrometer and radon gas scintillometry surveys and one drillhole, totalling 313.1 metres, on the Greer 1-8 and Kluskus 1-2 claims. Also at this time, Denison Mines completed a program of geochemical (silt, soil and water) sampling and two rotary drill holes, totalling 353.5 metres, on the Gap 1-6 and Graben 1-2 claims, located approximately 7.5 kilometres to the north-northwest and 8 kilometres west-southwest of the Greer occurrence, respectively. Radiometric logging of the two holes, located on the Gap claims, yielded values of greater than 500 counts per second from sections of sedimentary rocks of the Miocene Chilcotin Group overlaying granitic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Topley Intrusive Suite (Assessment Report 7144). No assays are reported from the drillholes.

In 1979, Denison Mines completed a further program of geochemical (water and soil) sampling and 61.0 line-kilometres of ground magnetic and scintillometer surveys on the Gap claims.

EMPR ASS RPT *6685, 6787, 7120, *7144, 7145, 7146, 7147, 7197, 7198, 7199, 7200, 7203, 7825
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 189-193; 1992, pp. 475-481; 1993, pp. 9-14; 1994, pp. 167-170, 193-197
EMPR EXPL 1992-69-106
GSC P 89-4; 90-1F, pp. 115-120